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Coaches Background Check Info

National Flag Football is committed to the safety of our participants.  All of our coaches and staff go through thorough background checks.  The Background Check program used by National Flag Football is outlined below: 

Background checks are REQUIRED for all Assistant Coaches, Head Coaches and Staff.  The organization used by National Flag Football is Protect Youth Sports.  Protect Youth Sports is a full service background screening company that offers volunteer based organizations a one-stop-shop for background checks, paperless solutions and child safety training. Volunteer and staff screening is their specialty, including a very thorough national background check service with a national criminal database search, national sex offender check, SSN identity check, and address history, plus a complete re-verification of all criminal hits for guaranteed accuracy on over 400 million national criminal records. 

Protect Youth Sports has established a very firm and reputable standing within the youth sports community, with a proven history of serving over 18,000 youth-serving organizations.  All Fees associated with the mandatory background checks are paid by National Flag Football.  

National Flag football League Coordinators are vigilant in the protection of our youth.  Coach’s tee shirts and rosters are not given to coaches until a background check has been completed and passed. 

Background Checks have been implemented by National Flag Football for the purpose of: 

1.       Promoting a safe, nurturing, and supportive athletic environment in which youth athletes can pursue their athletic goals.

2.       Providing an environment where parents of children can feel good about allowing their child to participate in the sport of flag football.  Please note; this screening is not intended to serve as a profiling tool nor can screening guarantee that incidents of abuse by coaches will not occur.  Background screening is designed as a preventative risk management tool, but does not insure inappropriate behavior will not occur.

3.       National Flag Football has selected Protect Youth Sports as our national provider for background checks.  More information about Protect Youth Sports is available on their website at or by contacting their support service at (877) 319-5587. 

 What Coaches can expect from a background check:

1.       We require any coach who has access or direct contact with youth athletes (under the age of 18) during scheduled practices or games to submit information for a background check and to review and acknowledge the Coaches Code of Conduct waiver

2.       Background checks will require an applicant’s full name, social security number and date of birth.

3.       Coaches will be screened for convictions of the following crimes:

·         Felony (any crime punishable by confinement greater than one year)

·         Any crime involving force or threat of force against a person

·         Any crime in which sexual relations is an element, including “victimless” crimes of a sexual nature (including pornography)

·         Any crime involving controlled substances (not paraphernalia or alcohol)

·         Any crime involving cruelty to animals.

RCX Sports Foundation

250 Hembree Park Dr, # 100
Roswell, Georgia 30076